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Reiki Master Teacher

Psychic Medium

Ancestral Healing

Yoga Instructor 200 hr

Angel Tarot

Holistic Health Coach

I am a certified holistic health coach, yoga instructor, Reiki master teacher and … an accidental psychic medium.  When I realized I was receiving guidance and messages during my daily meditations and everyday life, I wanted to learn more about what I was receiving.  I had originally thought these messages were of my own creation until I realized they were driving positive change and growth in my life.


This guidance was inspirational and lead me to develop my skills as an intuitive channel and psychic medium.  As I progressed down my spiritual path, I realized I could ‘tap in’ and receive information from angels, ascended masters, spirit guides and passed loved ones.  I find this gift to be my most cherished tool that I use for life guidance and I love to teach others, just like you, to connect to their own natural intuitive abilities. 

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